I will be conducting a 20 question/answer interview with Matthew Chan to be hosted on copyright-trolls.com. I would like to include the ELI community to take part in this.. If you have a burning question for Matthew simply email your questions ( do not post them here ) to admin(at)copyright-trolls.com
Please keep in mind there are some questions that will be off limits, given the ongoing appeal..Questions do not need to be copyright or ELI related, they can be wide ranging. If you would like to stay anonymous, please make this be known in your email and I will honor your request.
If this works out , there may be other question/answer interviews with others.
Please keep in mind there are some questions that will be off limits, given the ongoing appeal..Questions do not need to be copyright or ELI related, they can be wide ranging. If you would like to stay anonymous, please make this be known in your email and I will honor your request.
If this works out , there may be other question/answer interviews with others.