Dear Matthew:
Thank you for including a link to my Avvo response on the Getty image subject. I think your website is a thorough, well-written site that will help many individuals and corporations who have received a Getty or Corbis letter. I also liked the letter you prepared in response to Getty's demand letter.
You are also correct that in order to support the kind of damages Getty is asking for -or indeed to sustain any damages at all- they will need to prove that the user "knowingly" used the copyrighted image without license.That will be impossible to prove for end-users who merely purchased a web banner or website template from a third party provider.
Finally, I want to further commend you on linking the Chilling Effects website to yours. Chilling Effects is a site I read and refer to often. It helps keep me abreast of ongoing concerns and issues in the ever-changing minefield of internet law and the First Amendment.
I represent a number of individuals and companies in the entertainment and publishing field and they have real concerns regarding the content they post and distribute over the internet, particularly those clients with business in the adult entertainment industry. But even those clients of mine in mainstream entertainment have been concerned over aggressive prosecution and litigation in "conservative states."
Chilling Effects is a one-stop site that even experienced attorneys can retreive up-to-date information on what's going on across the country. It will be very interesting to see where Getty and Corbis go from here. Please keep me posted on the progress of your case and I will let you and your readers know of any new information or results I come across. Thanks again and keep up the good work!
Thank you for including a link to my Avvo response on the Getty image subject. I think your website is a thorough, well-written site that will help many individuals and corporations who have received a Getty or Corbis letter. I also liked the letter you prepared in response to Getty's demand letter.
You are also correct that in order to support the kind of damages Getty is asking for -or indeed to sustain any damages at all- they will need to prove that the user "knowingly" used the copyrighted image without license.That will be impossible to prove for end-users who merely purchased a web banner or website template from a third party provider.
Finally, I want to further commend you on linking the Chilling Effects website to yours. Chilling Effects is a site I read and refer to often. It helps keep me abreast of ongoing concerns and issues in the ever-changing minefield of internet law and the First Amendment.
I represent a number of individuals and companies in the entertainment and publishing field and they have real concerns regarding the content they post and distribute over the internet, particularly those clients with business in the adult entertainment industry. But even those clients of mine in mainstream entertainment have been concerned over aggressive prosecution and litigation in "conservative states."
Chilling Effects is a one-stop site that even experienced attorneys can retreive up-to-date information on what's going on across the country. It will be very interesting to see where Getty and Corbis go from here. Please keep me posted on the progress of your case and I will let you and your readers know of any new information or results I come across. Thanks again and keep up the good work!