In response to the Muench case, the Copyright Office (by way of Marybeth Peters) has put forth an official regulation regarding group registration of photographs. Part of the reason why courts did not give great deference to Marybeth's letters to Nancy Wolff was that they were not official regulations promulgated by the Copyright Office. To correct that, the Office issued 76 CFR 4072 an interim rule establishing a pilot program regarding the registration of copyrights for photo collections. Here the link to view the reg.:
The copyright office will allow registration of photo compilations to provide individual protection to the images contained in the compilation but only if each photograph is identified separately and have a common author. For automated databases, the regulation requires that the entire image be uploaded and not just a description of the image. The reg is silent as to whether the author's name must be listed as well. While this type of regulation is entitled to more deference than the informal letter PACA previously acquired from their wholly owned subsidiary, the Copyright Office, to the extent it allows for something other than what is required by the Copyright Act, I still think it is not enough to give individual protection to the works included in a compilation registration.
The copyright office will allow registration of photo compilations to provide individual protection to the images contained in the compilation but only if each photograph is identified separately and have a common author. For automated databases, the regulation requires that the entire image be uploaded and not just a description of the image. The reg is silent as to whether the author's name must be listed as well. While this type of regulation is entitled to more deference than the informal letter PACA previously acquired from their wholly owned subsidiary, the Copyright Office, to the extent it allows for something other than what is required by the Copyright Act, I still think it is not enough to give individual protection to the works included in a compilation registration.