I have read a few of your posts. I am not convinced your breadth of knowledge or understanding of what truly goes on and some of the nuances being discussed here.
First, if you equate infringement (even if it is wilful) to criminal theft, you clearly don't get that this is a CIVIL matter, not a criminal matter. You can conflate "stealing" and "infringing" as one and the same but they are not, NOT EVEN CLOSE.
Second, even if there is a willful infringement (which most infringements are not), it does not give the right to party to arbitrarily and unjustifiably demand and collect any amount of money.
Third, we discuss defense strategies of all kinds. Some involve mutually agreed negotiated settlements, others do not.
Fourth, there is vanilla unregistered copyright and then there is registered copyright that determines damages. There is also the issue of market value. If you think infringing upon a $10 unregistered image justifies paying thousands of dollars on the basis of someone's say-so is the "right" to do, then you get to pay the price for your ignorance.
But please don't come here on this forum and make sweeping value statements about readers that visit to this website to get educated and try to insinuate they are ethically or morally challenged. If you felt you infringed on an image and you deserved to pay a settlement because of your "theft", that is your call.
Some people should settle, other people shouldn't. It depends. It strikes me as odd that you came onto the ELI Forums looking for information and strategies but perhaps you didn't find a strategy you liked and you chose to dispose of the matter, suddenly you want to make these subtle snide remarks against others who have the ability and emotional wherewithal to fight back.
The fact of the matter is the MAJORITY of people prefer to settle the matter IF the settlement demand is fair and reasonable. But the majority of demands we see are not. And if you are so trusting of copyright trolls, please feel free to share your real name, website, and case. I am sure once someone gets wind of your name, website, and case and the fact that you seem so willing to settle, others might find other "infringements" you might have made and then you can add that to your insurance claim.
Keep making claims to your insurance company and you will see how much they want you as a customer.
I guess it just depends on the kind of person you are. Would you go into a store a steal something if the owner wasn't there? some people would and others wouldn't.