I am getting vibes and hints that copyright extortion is going way beyond what was previously known. It used to be just Getty Images but there is a new industry that is sprouting up to go after alleged copyright infringers.
Today, I received a comment how a Russian extortion letter victim couldn't reach ELI (because we block traffic from "trouble" countries with bad online reputations)
Here is a press release that was first reported on Twitter. It is a company we have briefly written about before who appears to be taken copyright extortion activities to an international level.
Let us all keep in mind that the money has to come from somewhere and someone to support these types of operations.
I have been very resistant to having ELI going "international" aside from our friends in Canada. Secondarily, we support the UK and that is about as far as ELI has officially gone.
I want to ask all of you. Should ELI stay focused on what we are good at? (U.S. and Canadian environments) Or should ELI go further and dilute what we have?
As it is, I can barely keep up with the existing forums. The thought of creating more forums gives me a headache. I almost want to "force" the new traffic into the UK forum which could be transformed into the "International Extortion Letter Forum".
Can we as Americans do a good job facilitating international extortion discussions?
Life used to be so simple when it was just Getty Images being the bad guy... Copyright trolling and copyright extortion activities seem to be increasing and growing, not slowing down.
Today, I received a comment how a Russian extortion letter victim couldn't reach ELI (because we block traffic from "trouble" countries with bad online reputations)
Here is a press release that was first reported on Twitter. It is a company we have briefly written about before who appears to be taken copyright extortion activities to an international level.
Let us all keep in mind that the money has to come from somewhere and someone to support these types of operations.
I have been very resistant to having ELI going "international" aside from our friends in Canada. Secondarily, we support the UK and that is about as far as ELI has officially gone.
I want to ask all of you. Should ELI stay focused on what we are good at? (U.S. and Canadian environments) Or should ELI go further and dilute what we have?
As it is, I can barely keep up with the existing forums. The thought of creating more forums gives me a headache. I almost want to "force" the new traffic into the UK forum which could be transformed into the "International Extortion Letter Forum".
Can we as Americans do a good job facilitating international extortion discussions?
Life used to be so simple when it was just Getty Images being the bad guy... Copyright trolling and copyright extortion activities seem to be increasing and growing, not slowing down.