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Author Topic: Getty Images and Complaints filed with the Washington State Attorney General  (Read 15733 times)

Robert Krausankas (BuddhaPi)

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At long last I have in my possession the CD containing the complaints that have been filed with the AG. We will have these uploaded to the scribd account, as well as a culled version at some point in time..
Most questions have already been addressed in the forums, get yourself educated before making decisions.

Any advice is strictly that, and anything I may state is based on my opinions, and observations.
Robert Krausankas

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Greg Troy (KeepFighting)

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Yes!  I've Been waiting foir this, Thanks Robert!
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Greg Troy (KeepFighting)

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Hey guys I just found something very interesting in the first file that Robert has so graciously made available to us. When opened it is on page 114 of 233 and halfway down the letter in the paragraph starting on March 22, 2012 it states that the complainant Ms. Donna Misra after receiving a letter from Timothy McCormack she called his office to speak with him and ended up speaking with paralegal Susan Klatt. She states that Ms. Klatt demanded payment and also states and I quote "she threatened to file a lawsuit". Please correct me if I am wrong but that is a major no-no as a paralegal cannot threaten to sue on behalf of of the law offices they work for.

Perhaps Ms. Misra should be added to our possible contact list as to me this looks like one that should go to the Wyoming, Oregon and Idaho State Bar associations against Timmy.

I will continue to post things of interest as I find them especially for possible follow-up contact with the complainant.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2012, 08:57:56 PM by Greg Troy (KeepFighting) »
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Moe Hacken

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That's a good catch, Greg. I also noticed that letter, and noted the threat, but I failed to make the connection that it was the paralegal who made the threat.

I also noted Donna Misra gave them a credit card number in her haste, then reversed the charges later. Classic.
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Robert Krausankas (BuddhaPi)

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I think the main issue with this, is the fact that it is a telephone call, and would end up being a he said / she said if we were to get a letter where a paralegal does this, or better yet states somthing that translates into practicing law...that would a different story entirely....

Lots to go thru to say the least!

Hey guys I just found something very interesting in the first file that Robert has so graciously made available to us. When opened it is on page 114 of 233 and halfway down the letter in the paragraph starting on March 22, 2012 it states that the complainant Ms. Donna Misra after receiving a letter from Timothy McCormack she called his office to speak with him and ended up speaking with paralegal Susan Klatt. She states that Ms. Klatt demanded payment and also states and I quote "she threatened to file a lawsuit". Please correct me if I am wrong but that is a major no-no as a paralegal cannot threaten to sue on behalf of of the law offices they work for.

Perhaps Ms. Misra should be added to our possible contact list as to me this looks like one that should go to the Wyoming, Oregon and Idaho State Bar associations against Timmy.

I will continue to post things of interest as I find them especially for possible follow-up contact with the complainant.
Most questions have already been addressed in the forums, get yourself educated before making decisions.

Any advice is strictly that, and anything I may state is based on my opinions, and observations.
Robert Krausankas

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Greg Troy (KeepFighting)

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I think you're right Robert that it would end up being a he said she said, this also might be why Timmy got his panties in such a wad back over that whole recording a phone call thread. I can certainly see why Timmy would not want the phone calls coming out of his office recorded besides the well-known fact of how nasty his paralegals can be but he certainly would not want a recording of his paralegals practicing law without a license.

I think the main issue with this, is the fact that it is a telephone call, and would end up being a he said / she said if we were to get a letter where a paralegal does this, or better yet states somthing that translates into practicing law...that would a different story entirely....

Lots to go thru to say the least!

Hey guys I just found something very interesting in the first file that Robert has so graciously made available to us. When opened it is on page 114 of 233 and halfway down the letter in the paragraph starting on March 22, 2012 it states that the complainant Ms. Donna Misra after receiving a letter from Timothy McCormack she called his office to speak with him and ended up speaking with paralegal Susan Klatt. She states that Ms. Klatt demanded payment and also states and I quote "she threatened to file a lawsuit". Please correct me if I am wrong but that is a major no-no as a paralegal cannot threaten to sue on behalf of of the law offices they work for.

Perhaps Ms. Misra should be added to our possible contact list as to me this looks like one that should go to the Wyoming, Oregon and Idaho State Bar associations against Timmy.

I will continue to post things of interest as I find them especially for possible follow-up contact with the complainant.
Every situation is unique, any advice or opinions I offer are given for your consideration only. You must decide what is best for you and your particular situation. I am not a lawyer and do not offer legal advice.

--Greg Troy

Robert Krausankas (BuddhaPi)

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There are certainly some enlightening and entertaining complaints here. I suspect there will be enough fodder to comment on for weeks if not months... Just so happens I have some spare time to dedicate to this.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2012, 07:04:22 AM by Robert Krausankas (BuddhaPi) »
Most questions have already been addressed in the forums, get yourself educated before making decisions.

Any advice is strictly that, and anything I may state is based on my opinions, and observations.
Robert Krausankas

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Greg Troy (KeepFighting)

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Agreed, there are a lot of enlightening complaints I also find it interesting the number of them I have seen that reference back to ELI. I really should be working on estimates right now but I just find this so darn interesting I can't seem to get away from it :)

There are certainly some enlightening and entertaining complaints here. I suspect there will be enough fodder to comment on for weeks if not months... Just so happens I have some spare to dedicate to this.
Every situation is unique, any advice or opinions I offer are given for your consideration only. You must decide what is best for you and your particular situation. I am not a lawyer and do not offer legal advice.

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Robert Krausankas (BuddhaPi)

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oops sorry Scraggy, I have all of Israel (Picscout) blocked from my server..Thanks for the confirmation'll have to get the documents from the scribd library once we get them uploaded.

The link isn't working........
« Last Edit: July 28, 2012, 11:37:47 AM by Robert Krausankas (BuddhaPi) »
Most questions have already been addressed in the forums, get yourself educated before making decisions.

Any advice is strictly that, and anything I may state is based on my opinions, and observations.
Robert Krausankas

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Prediction after reading some of File No. 1: The Washington State Attorney General's Office pushes a lot of paper around and writes a lot of letters to Getty and to those who file complaints, but absolutely nothing is ever done to sanction Getty or significantly change their extraction scheme business model.

We may find some patterns or nuggets somewhere in all this information that will help individuals with their Getty extortion letters, but I'll take a devil's advocate position here and say that it's probably absurd to expect government or state bar associations to affect real change in a business model that's making huge bucks for the largest image corporation in the world.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2012, 10:23:53 AM by Mulligan »


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My predictions:

The people who wrote letters to Washington state will not get calls from the collection agency.

Three years from now, we will have evidence that almost none or almost none of these people were sued.

On opinion: Before writing the WA AG, all those people should write Getty and ask for proof Getty has standing to sue etc.   The complaint letters would all be better if the pattern was:
1) Getty sends letter.
2) Letter recipient requests Getty provide evidence of copyright, exclusive license and so on.
3) When Getty refuses to provide proof that then complain.

In this case, Getty would be required to explain over and over why they think people should fork over $1000 if they don't provide evidence of valid copyright and exclusive license.  But for some reason, people are skipping the step highlighted above. That's a mistake.   

Also: just glancing through, some of those uses were clearly commercial, clearly professional and while the people made mistakes, some of those people should offer Getty $200 for the use.  Others need to do a little research on their specific images to see whether they are public domain and so on. 

I think the trove of letters is useful to us for other reasons.

Greg Troy (KeepFighting)

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The AG’s office states on their website that they cannot act as your personal attorney or make Getty do anything for you as an individual but if a pattern emerges they may take action and investigate.  I think we have a pattern here and they may have just never put it all together before until Robert asked for the entire complaint file, I was talking to Robert last night and he was thinking the same thing and hope maybe the girl that compiled the report saw it and forwarded it upstairs.  It sounds like it might not have all been in one place as it took a couple of months. 

I will be contacted soon by the AG’s office and assigned a person to work with me on my complaint, once that is done I will present them with the “Pattern” as I see it in these complaints and request that an investigation be launched not for me but for the pattern shown in these 1200+ pages.

I will be happy to do this and was planning on it anyway when contacted.  I will let everyone know how it goes and what they say.  It may end up being a case where we need an ELI letter campaign asking for an investigation too.
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I knew that eventually someone would forget the reason why I recommend make written complaints to the State Bar and Attorney General.

It isn't to force revolutionary change through the organizations taking actions themselves!  It is forcing change through the secondary and tertiary effects of making those complaints.

Up until recently, as far as I know NO ONE knew or saw what an Attorney General complaint meant except for me. I already explained that it would probably take MANY, MANY complaints for them to even consider doing anything.  Of course, the "severity" of the complaints is a big determining factor.  What "crime" or fraud is being committed?

The secondary and tertiary benefits is that there is a governmental agency that makes it their business to preserve and report any and all complaints to anyone that asks however minute.  They don't make judgment on the complaints.  That means the complainer has to get smart.  For me, I should probably modify the advice given to make a complaint to list INDIVIDUALS involved.

Because Getty Images is a a large company making tons of money, very few employees really care that the name Getty Images is being disparaged.  Employees work at Getty Images to make money, that's it.  At the end of every workday at 5pm, they could care less about Getty Images. But you start listing the individuals on the complaints, I guarantee it will ruffle some feathers.  A Getty Images "chain of command" of employees behind the compliance department has been provided on the ELI Forums for those that want it.  Everyone also has a right to ask for a supervisor and manager to speak and escalate their matter to in their extortion letter cases.  The minute they DON'T escalate or simply refuse to give out their managers names, all bets are off and you publicize the individual names because it is based on actual documented research, not just a fictional list of names.

Some complaints are better than others. It is in who does the complaining. I guarantee you when I make a written complaint and if I am determined to make maximum collateral damage, it becomes so heated and unpleasant most people run away and disappear. I am that good. I say that not to brag but to point out that I have provided LOTs of examples of past cases (all kinds of matters).

One thing I like about Greg Troy's recent effort to fight Getty is that he appears to get the commitment to the goal. Personally, I think it is a bit overkill given what we know of how Getty operates but no one can say he isn't hitting back hard.

For many people, it isn't the instrument.  It is what you are willing to do with that instrument and how hard and blunt you will use it to create maximum damage.  Please don't take this out of context. I don't subscribe to violence and I don't subscribe to making up fiction. Don't make threats/bluffs you can't keep. But do be committed to doing what it takes in making a powerful written complaint.

Regarding State Bar complaints, I told everyone that the chances of an attorney being disbarred over extortion letters is very slim.  However, state bar complaints are rare because most people don't even know there is such a thing.  State bar complaints hurt the pride and embarrass the attorney more than anything else.  Any attorney that has any pride or care about their reputation will absolutely pay attention to state bar complaints no matter how trivial it might be.

As far as I can tell, it becomes a part of their permanent record and is an ongoing reminder to watch how attorneys conduct themselves. I guarantee you Timmy McCormack is much more aware and has a tighter leash on his paralegals than before.

The BBB can be a help but I largely believe they are a joke of an organization working under false pretenses.  They may claim to be non-profit but they are very much "for profit". They are busy selling their memberships, asking for donations, etc. from businesses.  So, they can never really go after businesses in a tough way. They are similar to the RipOffReport.  You play ball with the BBB and give them money and you too can have a stellar rating.
I'm a non-lawyer but not legally ignorant either. Under the 1st Amendment, I have the right to post facts & opinions using rhetorical hyperbole, colloquialisms, metaphors, parody, snark, or epithets. Under Section 230 of CDA, I'm only responsible for posts I write, not what others write.


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I like Lucia's point about Getty refusing to provide paperwork to support their demands.

The first complaint in the fifth PDF that Robert has on his site hammers beautifully at that point.

There's a lot of interesting reading in these PDFs. Thanks for doing all this, Robert!


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