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Author Topic: Hawaiian Photographer / Copyright Troll Vincent K. Tylor  (Read 9052 times)

Robert Krausankas (BuddhaPi)

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Hawaiian Photographer / Copyright Troll Vincent K. Tylor
« on: February 14, 2013, 12:11:26 PM »
Is it just me or does anyway else find it "odd" that since the Aloha Plastic Surgery v. Hawaiian Art Network and Vincent K. Tylor, we have seen ZERO letters from this douchebag Vincent K Tylor?
I know Glen Carner and Hawaiian Art Network are no longer involved in the copyright "enforcement"  and it appears that Glens other company Copyright Services International has taken a different approach ( which is good)and is not associated with Vincent K Tylor, but you'd think Hawaiian Photographer and copyright troll V.K. Tylor would have found another nobody lawyer to send his letters... I find this so strange..hell for a while there we were getting letters submitted and new users almost daily from HAN/Picscout lawyers in regards to V.K. Tylor
Did the Aloha case break him down??
Make him bankrupt?? (financially, as we can already assume he's morally bankrupt)
or maybe there was something in the settlement from Alohas' side that states he can't pursue infringements for any of these "screensaver / wallpaper images?
...or maybe the judge called him out on it??? so many questions, and I have a need to know...

Feel free to chime in with your theories, thoughts or ideas...sure would be nice to get a glimpse of that settlement agreement..
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Re: Hawaiian Photographer / Copyright Troll Vincent K. Tylor
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2013, 01:49:42 PM »
I agree it would be very interesting to find out what the terms of the settlement agreement were. However, I thought that VKT did get the new lawyer and had sent out at least one letter. I thought I remembered reading about the letter which cause the initial speculation as to whether VKT and Glen carner add parted ways and prompted your reaching out to Mr. Carner.
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Robert Krausankas (BuddhaPi)

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Re: Hawaiian Photographer / Copyright Troll Vincent K. Tylor
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2013, 01:56:49 PM »
I agree it would be very interesting to find out what the terms of the settlement agreement were. However, I thought that VKT did get the new lawyer and had sent out at least one letter. I thought I remembered reading about the letter which cause the initial speculation as to whether VKT and Glen carner add parted ways and prompted your reaching out to Mr. Carner.

I believe you are correct and If I remember correctly the letter was sent from Streets office, i'll have to go digging now.. I know Street is an expensive attorney, so I doubt Tylor would use him for sending out the mass letters he was with HAN....must go look...
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Robert Krausankas

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Robert Krausankas (BuddhaPi)

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Re: Hawaiian Photographer / Copyright Troll Vincent K. Tylor
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2013, 02:01:42 PM »
Here it tis!!

It was from a facebook posting, hence we never saw the letter, and apparently it also involved Tylor up and coming copyright troll son, whom we already know has a bunch of images available on "free wallpaper" sites.. I guess the gene pool in the Tylor house is not very deep... I'll be reaching out to this facebook poster, see if I can rustle up that letter..
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Robert Krausankas

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Re: Hawaiian Photographer / Copyright Troll Vincent K. Tylor
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2013, 07:09:31 PM »
If Tylor was successful in his past trolling endeavors, I think that we would have seen his activities ramp up.
We haven't really seen much of that... therefore I feel that his seeding/trolling scheme is/was unprofitable.
It was just too weak and obvious.

Also, it seems to have caused a rift between Tylor and Carner.

« Last Edit: February 20, 2013, 08:39:42 AM by Matthew Chan »

Moe Hacken

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Re: Hawaiian Photographer / Copyright Troll Vincent K. Tylor
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2013, 08:30:14 PM »
Vincent K. Tylor may have been temporarily discouraged by some factor that resulted in the APS settlement. One possibility is that there was a fatal flaw in the bulk registration of his collections that are currently registered with the Copyright Office with generic names such as "Hawaii 2000". If indeed the method of registration of the collections was hopelessly invalid, his baitpaper portfolio was severely reduced.

Since the early days of the APS lawsuit, I have noticed that VKT has been registering some choice images individually. One of them was the same "Pink Sailboat" image he attempted to troll APS with. He's registered a couple of other images individually since then, the last one on June 4, 2012.

I have a feeling he may have been thinking of continuing to try his hand at trolling with or without Carner, and now it seems pretty clear it will be without Carner. This is the latest image VKT registered:

Note that VKT's image is still on Carner's website. Maybe they had a difference in how to reinvent their approach and parted ways but still share the solidarity that trolls must feel as they convince each other they're doing something other than trolling.
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Robert Krausankas (BuddhaPi)

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Re: Hawaiian Photographer / Copyright Troll Vincent K. Tylor
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2013, 08:39:51 PM »
I think Tylor and Carner still work together as far as "selling" art goes, but they have parted ways in terms of chasing down alleged infringements..It's clear to me that Carners new "civil approach" does not sit well with Tylor, as he's a money hungry slob...and his son is walking right in his fathers foot prints..
« Last Edit: February 20, 2013, 08:40:05 AM by Matthew Chan »
Most questions have already been addressed in the forums, get yourself educated before making decisions.

Any advice is strictly that, and anything I may state is based on my opinions, and observations.
Robert Krausankas

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Moe Hacken

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Re: Hawaiian Photographer / Copyright Troll Vincent K. Tylor
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2013, 09:21:10 PM »
It is quite remarkable than young Master Tylor's images are following down the same exact path: From Webshots to HAN to hundreds of baitpaper sites.

Scott Tylor version:

Baitpaper version (one of 281 found, notice the huge resolution of the image):

How do these baitpaper sites keep finding such gigantic samplings of the original works of the Tylor clan? That remains a mystery to ELI, although I suspect an explanation has been sealed with the records of the APS settlement.
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Re: Hawaiian Photographer / Copyright Troll Vincent K. Tylor
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2013, 12:38:28 AM »
Moe's right.  I smell scamola too.

There were constant denials of "seeding".
But I think that the fact that both father and son both have their content spread far and wide so prolifically is more than coincidence.

Perhaps, Glen Carner saw the danger in this?



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