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Author Topic: Just Received Getty Demand Letter  (Read 4525 times)


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Just Received Getty Demand Letter
« on: September 19, 2013, 11:51:32 AM »
Hello. I just received my first Getty Images Letter for 7 images that were used on my website.  I paid a lot of money for my website and believed that my web designer had all appropriate/necessary licenses. Isn't that what I paid for?  In any event, I spoke with him and he said the images he used had no copyright info and were obtained through a free site.  I understand the strict liability of copyright infringement. I also believe that people should be fair and reasonably compensated for their work.   My question really has to do with the demand letter itself for the exorbitant amount requested (demanded) to settle.  I have been reading a lot of information on this site as well as others.  Does this  not rise to the level of a 93A claim?  How is the whole process not an unfair and deceptive act?  Claiming damages far in excess of any actual damage?  I am inclined to just ignore it but on the other hand am not sure whether to send off a 93A letter.   And, like most of the people hit with these letters, I do not have the means to pay the large fee requested (and even if I did, I highly doubt I would pay such a ridiculous amount because they said so.  I would rather them waste their time and resources trying to collect it from me)  I would appreciate your thoughts.  Thank you.


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Re: Just Received Getty Demand Letter
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2013, 12:22:25 PM »
We could get into a long debate about whether this is a "" claim. That appears to be MA law, and copyright is federal.  You'd probably have to discuss that with an attorney.  But my guess is that an attorney would tell you he is not confident you could prevail under 95a. Certainly you would not prevail under 93a if getty did prevail in copyright court, and their winning in US copyright court would mean the claim was not spurious.

That said: your case seems to be one involving 7 images where generally people arriving here have only 1 or 2. Since you said you paid a lot for your site, I will assume yours is a commercial site. (I'm assuming this because hobby blogs rarely pay to have their sites professionally created.)  The fact of using 7 images and being a commercial site makes the possiblity of a suit more likely that usual.  If you are a corporation and this does escalate to a suit (which even with 7 images is not terribly likely, but it's not terribly unlikely either) you will need an attorney as that is required by law. (Indivduals can self represent.)

BTW: If you are incorporated, do not under any circumstances dissolve the corporation. That would shift liability on to you personally. So you don't want that. 

I would suggest that in your circumstance, it is likely worthwhile for you to consult a copyright attorney-- and Oscar happens to have a letter program.  I can't remember if it's $100 or $200.  You might be wise to use his services. Among other things he can craft a letter that would not aggravate your situation, and after he writes it Getty has to communicate through him. (He's been pretty busy with cases recently, so getting on the program might involve calling his assistant and so on. But while Getty's letters indicate time if of the essence, history suggests this is simply not the case. And really, no judge is going to hold it against you that you took the time to arrange for legal representation.)

On the plus side: even though there are 7 images, it has generally been the case that Getty did nothing to ensure images were individually registered and so it's fairly to highly likely that damages would be limited to lost sales while the letter will wave around the scary threat that statutory damages would be likely. That said: Getty may have started cleaning up its act and being more careful about copying or you might have happened to have used images that are registered.  Getty Images does have a large number of celebrity images and I image they are more careful about registering those properly. If the are not careful, their photographers likely are. Without knowing more about the specific images, it's difficult to guess which category yours falls under.    But I think in your case, I do suggest the "Oscar" route.

Robert Krausankas (BuddhaPi)

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Re: Just Received Getty Demand Letter
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2013, 12:49:36 PM »
What Lucia said!
Most questions have already been addressed in the forums, get yourself educated before making decisions.

Any advice is strictly that, and anything I may state is based on my opinions, and observations.
Robert Krausankas

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Re: Just Received Getty Demand Letter
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2013, 03:11:06 PM »
What Lucia said, but I will ad the caveat "Don't let the 7 images thing scare you."  Yes, it makes sense to reasonable people that Getty has 7 times as much incentive to chase you as a single image infringer.

However, if your designer got the images off of a free site, let's make sure Getty has it's ducks in a row to be able to make such a claim.  They usually don't.  And they don't want to prove that in court, because people like us will make it big news, which will be very bad for their trolling business.

I would recommend that you immediately take down the 7 images in question - at least until you can ascertain who truly holds the copyright.

Oscar Michelen

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Re: Just Received Getty Demand Letter
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2013, 10:17:42 PM »
Without a doubt take down the images, they are not  worth fighting over.  Get educated by reading the forum posts and examine your options. It is highly unlikely that they will sue you and if they did you could bring in and sue your developer who got you into this mess in the first place.


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