November 2011 I received a letter from Masterfile about 3 images on a website I had control of. My first reaction was fear as I received this from FedEx Express with a bill for over $9,000. I took all images down right away and started to do some research. What I found very quickly was the ELI site and the great resource and information here. I never called them but after receiving several notices from them and some collection agents I went to a copyright attorney who sent a letter to them asking for proof of rights to collect. They sent several letters back by way of e-mail but I felt strongly that we would do nothing till they would send a letter by way of the US Postal System which they never did. Masterfile and Geoffrey Beal are only out to grab money from the weak who give in to the demands of this EXTORTION. I have learned a lot over these 3 years and would act different with what I know now. It is now over as we have hit the 3 year term with Masterfail.
For all of the people sitting on pins and needle there is light at the end of the tunnel. Please do not roll over to any company that will not supply proof of rights of ownership.
For all of the people sitting on pins and needle there is light at the end of the tunnel. Please do not roll over to any company that will not supply proof of rights of ownership.