A visitor to

Customer contact: Main customer contact form
First Name: : darlene
Last Name: : c
Email: : [email protected]
Mobile Phone: : 941-371-9900
Comments: : Our file no xxxxxx
Re: Masterfile/?

Settlement Offer:$2430.00
Please be advised that NCS has been retained with regard to the settlement of an image infringement claim in the above referenced matter. In that regard, we have been assigned this file, and have attached hereto copies of the letter previously sent by our client together with copies of the unauthorized images and the capture of said images on your website. Our client has attempted to resolve this claim by communicating with your company directly, but has been unable to do so. Our goal is to resolve this claim on an amicable basis, without having to resort to further action in this regard. We do have some flexibility with the amount claimed if this is resolved immediately. Alternatively, if we cannot settle this imminently, we would be obligated to refer the file back to our client for further action including the potential initiation of suit. It would be preferable to settle this matter upon terms agreeable to both parties, and to avoid the time and expense of potential protracted litigation. We trust that we can resolve this amicably, and we look forward to hearing from in this regard upon receipt of this email.
This is an effort to effect a settlement and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.
NCS IP Solutions
Company: : NCS IP Solutions
This was received this past week. I called the listed number at midnight Saturday using a internet phone company. The message gave the business hours for a Florida lawyer.
I deleted my website as its deletion was already on my TO DO list. The only thing that was Published on this website was a Template provided by the web hosting company, the company name, an email contact address and the address for the company. In searching the website prior to deletion, I did not see any images other than the template.
Of course, there was no attachment as listed in the email nor have I had any prior communication from the image company. What I have had however in the past month are several Silent/hangup calls of the type that precede the receipt of the threatening letter from a collections company.
SO, I am drafting in my head, what I need to do, any recommendations?