In this case, I would totally ignore them.Thanks for your replies. I am looking for the solution that minimizes the chance that a lawsuit is ever filed. Just having a suit filed is a negative outcome from our point of view. We simply want this matter to end.
If we ignore them, doesn't this increase the chance that they see my relative as an easy/weak target against whom they can get a default judgement? My inclination is to come back with a forceful answer to the charge of copyright violation, and request more information from the law firm which will tend to bolster our case or rather disprove their allegations. I believe if this were done, the firm would not contact us again. Thoughts?
Or consider filing a bar complaint & state attorney complaint with whatever bar associations they are members of, it should be on them to do some simple fact checking before trying to squeeze money of out of anyone.
I will keep that in my back pocket but our intent is really just to make the matter go away.