Around August, I received the standard letter that everyone here has seen. It was for one image that wasn't hosted on my site, which was a tumblr blog that I had linked to my domain for a short period of time. I recently received the email that everyone comes here after reading and obviously do not plan to respond, nor did I respond to the letter. One thing I have noticed from reading this thread and others over the past few months is that many of the people who were actively sharing updates don't give a conclusion or stop responding. If I continue to just not respond, knowing they have no case and that I have done nothing illegal or wrong, will things continue to escalate? Have they ever actually just left someone alone?
if the image was hosted at tumblr and NOT on your servers, I wouldn't even care if they "escalated" it or not, they have no case, if it were me I would gladly enjoy watching them spin their wheels for nothing and not give it another thought.. Or you could also take jerry's adsvise, and tell them the image in question was never on your servers, it was linked from an outisde source, and if they wish to continue to pster you , you will invoice them for any time spent going back and forth..