I'm not suggesting this means that we must automatically assume AugustImages is totally on the up and up and so on. But it is useful for a person getting letters to take things in context. Until I saw the link from the photographer to the site, the chicken entrails used for prognostication were suggesting AugustImages could be some sock-puppet entity with nearly untraceable ownership for its domain name operating... somewhere... sending out scary letters.
But the link from the photographer suggests an actual honest to goodness photographer, whose domain is registered under his own name (
http://whois.domaintools.com/donfloodphoto.com ) and whose IP is in the US does have a contract with August Images. His photos are
clearly high priced including lots of celebrities. This means it's unlikely that the photographer operates without good knowledge of contract law required to maintain value of his portfolio.
If August Images does come back and press for payment, I wouldn't be hanging my hat on "Getty Images -- and entity that seems to permit online registration by anyone and anything without checking has been sloppy in the past-- so I bet August Images is too." August Images at least looks like
truly exclusive images. (Even when comparing celebrity image to celebrity images, Getty's are often "decent quality paparazzi", August are "the celeb came to the studio and posed" and "these were used by high end magazines and advertizers". These are different from each other.)
That said: for all we know, August Images tends to just go away if someone removes the images from their site. If so, Darkbotic may not hear from them again. We really don't know.