I know it is after-the-fact, but I would encourage you to file as a DMCA agent:
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It's not so much that I'm looking to archive it in the state it was. It's more that I'd like it to be uncertain whether it ever existed in that state or not, especially if all they have is a screenshot.I understand all they gave you was a screenshot. But as a blogger, I don't quite know why the fact that all they have is a screenshot affects your ability to know the state of your web page. I can know stuff about my web pages based on my own access to the page. So I can determine what the state of the page is on any given date. And my blog doesn't just go around randomly changing itself (unless it gets hacked. And if I was hacked, that might be a defense on a copyright violation!)
I think it's the difference between civil and criminal that I was trying to understand. I wanted to determine if evidence needed to be beyond reasonable doubt.No; beyone reasonable doubt is not the standard in a civil suit. Watch "The People's Court". You'll see there is no balance in favor of the defendant or the plaintiff and formally it's absolutely the case that preponderance. The person who has 51% of the evidence in their favor is supposed to win. That said, I'd say the defendant has a little edge. If the plaintiff makes a claim and provides zero evidence other than saying "X happened".-- and I mean absolutely zero-- and the defendant just said "No. X didn't happen" providing zero evidence it didn't happen. The judge rules for the defendant. Notice that's just "He said; she said." but judges do want plaintiffs to show some evidence before dragging someone to court.
I have not heard anything in response from them yet. If I do, those are things I am hoping to ask for prior to a trial so that they know I am serious and this is not going to be easy money. I don't know what they will volunteer initially if they are trying to get a payment out of me. I will attempt to feel out the situation if we do have further contact.If they are like Getty, they will volunteer nothing and just maintain that they are right and you are wrong, explain that copyright exists even if they didn't register (which is true, but still not responsive to why you would want to see the registration) and make it sound like they really believe they are the judge, jury and executioner, that they don't have to show you anything at all and that you have to pay. And it's true that until they sue, they don't have to show you anything. But it's equally true you don't have to show them anything or pay them anything and so on.
I have been discussing on another website as well. This morning I read a comment from somebody who said the notice he received included screen shots. His CMS sounds like WordPress, in that it must create different image sizes and thumbnails and then push them out to various pages based on categories, tags, post listings, etc. He said a screen shot of each image, including thumbnail sizes was included and each was listed as a separate infringement. Do you happen to know how that factors in if it would go to trial? Could each size and use truly be counted as a separate infringement? That is where I would think it would be essential for them to have the html on file because then they could compare image names in the html.Wordpress does create images in various sizes when you upload. That's its default behavior. As its the default, and it creates default names, a bot that finds one image could be programmed to find all the images. Technically, it's copying '.jpg/.png/.gif' file to your server and displaying the image file is the infringement. That fact that it can be loaded without loading a page means that when it comes down to brass tacks, I think the proof of infringement is showing the url of the image or images, not the page (or pages) in which the images is embedded. So, yes, it's possible that each of these images might be an infringement in and of itself. But a judge would have to decide on on that. If your friend gets sued, he needs a lawyer to guide him on whether it's worth arguing that it's only 1 infringement, finding precedents, discussing the issue of 'de minimus' and so on. Whether any of your pages display the images might be considered important by a judge-- I just don't know. But at least hypothetically, each size might be an infringement.
I know it is after-the-fact, but I would encourage you to file as a DMCA agent:
I understand all they gave you was a screenshot. But as a blogger, I don't quite know why the fact that all they have is a screenshot affects your ability to know the state of your web page.
(unless it gets hacked. And if I was hacked, that might be a defense on a copyright violation!)
So I find myself asking: did you look at the html on the day you got the letter? Did the image appear on the page on the day you got the letter? Was there any element on the page (e.g. javascript ads) that might have contained the image they show in their screenshot? You don't need to answer that here. But you seem to want to know what constitutes 'evidence'.
(or at least before you modified it to remove the image. Except... you didn't remove the image... right?)
That is: it might buttress you case to say that
(a) You believe you never uploaded anything of the sort and if you ever did, you certainly don't remember it.
(b) You have an archive showing what existed on the day you received the letter and that archive showed that the image was not on the page on the date you received the letter. (That is: before you modified it to comply with their request.)
If your memory is fuzzy, you really ought to at least show that the image does not display at your site. That would than put the other side in the position of having to advance a theory of how the images does display in their screenshot.
But if you watch a while, you'll also see that the plaintiff is not expected to have flawless evidence. Plaintiffs will come in with photos, and judges look askance at defendants whose only counter evidence is "ever hear of photo shop?" Yes. Photos can be faked. But if the plaintiff has a photo, and testifies that they took that photo and it is not faked, that's evidence.
In this context, if you had an archive of the state of the page at the time you got the letter, your position would be stronger than merely saying "screenshots aren't proof".
If they are like Getty, they will volunteer nothing and just maintain that they are right and you are wrong, explain that copyright exists even if they didn't register (which is true, but still not responsive to why you would want to see the registration) and make it sound like they really believe they are the judge, jury and executioner, that they don't have to show you anything at all and that you have to pay. And it's true that until they sue, they don't have to show you anything. But it's equally true you don't have to show them anything or pay them anything and so on.
That fact that it can be loaded without loading a page means that when it comes down to brass tacks, I think the proof of infringement is showing the url of the image or images, not the page (or pages) in which the images is embedded.
"I'm coming at this from all angles at once. The angle I'm trying to figure out is how to deal with it in the event that the image was uploaded to my server and having such an archive would show that it was". If you have an archive, then you have that archive and you can figure out whether that hypothetical is relevant to your case. It seems to me that you can look at the html and figure out if that archive does or does not contain html that would have rendered an image in the spot on their screenshot where BWP displays it. And if you find that image link (or link to whatever resource) it seems to me that you would likely have looked at that html to see if the image file was on your server or not. And you would likely have looked at the file to see if it was or the image BWP says it was. So: I cannot help but believe you know which "angle" applies to your case. (I can understand why it's in your interest to not say which on this thread. No matter which angle applies in your interest to keep BWP in the dark until such time as you are ready to communicate. But I should think you know which angle applies.)
I could potentially match the most recent IP address of the user who posted it, though I don't know if it would matter much since it is a new address and not one recorded on the actual day the complaint was filed. I can't retroactively put it in place but it may help to be able to present the current state of some things.I suspect you can very easily convince a judge that you run a multi-user blog. Also, that the blog post was associated with another users. I'm guessing you have an email of the other user anyway and so on. Don't put things retroactively in place. You just want to be able to say what was on that page ane explain the baisis of your knowledge. Anyway, it's likely good if you did keep the html of the blog post-- if you get sued, you'll want to show that to your attorney as who uploaded might matter for the case. Or it might not. I don't know. (This is where having a DMCA would have been wise for you. But that's water under the bridge.)
Understood. I think the question I was really asking was more along the lines of, would it be absurd to produce my own photoshopped evidence as a counter to prove that a screen shot is not sufficient?Not absurd. But a lawyer could better advise if it's a good tactic. It may or may not be.
I would expect that actual proof would consist of the direct URL to the image.I think actual proof of infringement would require this to be shown in court. That doesn't mean it has to be in the letter they send a blog owner. But presumably if you took down the post and looked at the html you know whether the html contained a link to an infringing image hosted on your sever. If it did, they may already have that uri, or, if they sue you, they can ask you what you know about the image during discovery and also in court.
So: I cannot help but believe you know which "angle" applies to your case. (I can understand why it's in your interest to not say which on this thread. No matter which angle applies in your interest to keep BWP in the dark until such time as you are ready to communicate. But I should think you know which angle applies.)
I suspect you can very easily convince a judge that you run a multi-user blog. Also, that the blog post was associated with another users. I'm guessing you have an email of the other user anyway and so on. Don't put things retroactively in place. You just want to be able to say what was on that page ane explain the baisis of your knowledge.
I think actual proof of infringement would require this to be shown in court. That doesn't mean it has to be in the letter they send a blog owner. But presumably if you took down the post and looked at the html you know whether the html contained a link to an infringing image hosted on your sever. If it did, they may already have that uri, or, if they sue you, they can ask you what you know about the image during discovery and also in court.
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