The 9th circuit and 7th circuit both ruled it was not a copyright violation.The other 9 out of 11courts have not ruled on the issue.
The circuit courts are directly below the US Supreme Court ( aka "SCOTUS") and their rulings are binding in their jurisdictions until overturned. You can see the extent that covered by the 9th and 7th:
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/df/US_Court_of_Appeals_and_District_Court_map.svg/620px-US_Court_of_Appeals_and_District_Court_map.svg.pngThe parties (both pornographers) who lost their copyright cases and whose loses results in rulings that inline linking is not copyright either did not appeal their cases to the US Supreme Court or SCOTUS declined to hear them. (I don't know which is true). So, SCOTUS has neither heard nor ruled on the cases. As they have not ruled, and there are no rulings in 9/11 circuits one might prudently say the law is not settled.
That said: For all practical purposes the case law is settled
in the 9th and 7th where the rulings from Amazon v. Perfect or Flava v. whosiwhatsit hold. Until SCOTUS rules otherwise, inline linking is not copyright violation
in these districts. Meanwhile, one can correctly state that the issue is not settled in, for example, New York (2nd district) or Alabama (11t district) .
It's worth understanding that as long as the circuits are
agreeing with each other, (as they are), it is unlikely SCOTUS will accept any appeal though they might if some of the judges of the Supreme Court were dubious about the lower court ruling. So, one will find the issue is technically "not settled" until such time as every single one of the 11 courts rule and all are in agreement or the issue gets to SCOTUS. Chances are neither will ever happen. There are zillions of issues like this.
As for who is saying what: Stinger and I live in the jurisdiction of the 7th circuit. The server I use in in the 9th. Getty is in the 9th circuit. Getty, writing from a jurisdiction where the prevailing court ruling is that inline linking is not copyright violation, told me, living in a jurisdiction where the prevailing court ruling is inline linking is not copyright violation. The server I use is in a district where inline linking has been ruled not copyright violation. Its all well and good for EFF or someone to claim there is something unsettled here. But to some extent, everything is "unsettled" in the sense that at any time, any ruling could, hypothetically, be overturned.
The fact of the matter is: if Getty wants to prevail in a copyright suit for my inline linking of a cardinal, they are going to have to present it in the 7th circuit where the case law ways it's not copyright violation. The local judge will apply Posner's ruling. Then they will have to appeal to the 7th. Were they will have to try to explain that to Judge Posner (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Posner) that he was wrong. And then, when he rules against them, they will ahve to appeal to SCOTUS, who will probably
not even accept the case. EFF will continue to say the case is "not settled" because SCOTUS will not rule. Getty will have lost.
And you know what? I think it's unlikely this will ever be "settled" because at most 2 more circuits will ever be willing to hear the cases, when they do, they will agree with the 7th and 9th. After that, no one will appeal to SCOTUS and SCOTUS will never rule.
But the fact is: When Getty claims it doesn't matter whether one put the file on their server: They are wrong. So far, US circuit courts that have ruled say it does matter. Anyone who gives Getty a penny for a hotlinked image is a fool.