As a web developer we have had a number of demands from Getty, OTTO and Trunk Archive. I used Oscar for one of the first cases and then replied to subsequent demands using his letter as a template.
On most of them we have just not heard anything back, however on this one case they have been persistent and I am including the letters and emails in case in may help others in the same situation. It will at least give you an idea of the process. This has all happened in the last month so they have been pretty aggressive on this one.
Any advice or input is appreciated although I am thinking I am going to have to get Oscar in on this one.
Here are links to the various documents (documents redacted to protect my client):
I apologize in advance that I will probably take these links down at some point. I could not find any way to upload documents to this forum.
On most of them we have just not heard anything back, however on this one case they have been persistent and I am including the letters and emails in case in may help others in the same situation. It will at least give you an idea of the process. This has all happened in the last month so they have been pretty aggressive on this one.
Any advice or input is appreciated although I am thinking I am going to have to get Oscar in on this one.
Here are links to the various documents (documents redacted to protect my client):
- 3 letters of demand sent directly to client. 6/01/15, 6/17/15,7/1/15
- My response letter to the first demand. 6/15/15
- Email response to my response letter 7/2/15
- Attachment to email which is a general letter stating Trunk has mandated LCS/PicScout to handle copyright compliance 7/2/15
- Rights holder form 7/8/15
I apologize in advance that I will probably take these links down at some point. I could not find any way to upload documents to this forum.