Hi Tsyle,
Sorry to hear that Getty's giving you some trouble...
I'm assuming that you're in the United States.
The United States Copyright Records Website is here:
http://www.copyright.gov/To perform a search on the site, click on the red "Search Records" button to the upper right.
Now, under "Online Records", click on the text that says "Search the Catalog".
Next, you'll see text that says, "Search for" and a box wherein you can type in what to search for.
Type in "Getty Images" in the box, and click the "Begin Search" button.
At this time, you'll see only six entries. Not much registered by Getty thus far. That's bad for Getty.
You can check Masterfile for fun, too. Much more is registered; however note how many collections are registered in bulk. That's not so good for them.
Note that when an image or collection of images is/are registered; the registration numbers are 12 characters long. Usually it's 2 letters followed by 10 digits, or 3 letters followed by 9 digits; add zeroes before the number, for example:
VAu-598-764 is typed VAU000598764,
SR-320-918 is typed SR0000320918
If you happen to be in Canada, visit the Canadian Intellectual Property office online:
http://www.cipo.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/cipointernet-internetopic.nsf/eng/homeClick on the "Copyrights Database" button to the left.
Now, under the "Quick Search" section, type in "Getty Images".
Next, click the "Search" button.
You'll note that nothing comes up for Getty Images at this time.
Masterfile has a few compilations listed there, however.
I'm not a lawyer. But, (in my opinion), if one of these stock image companies is coming after you, and the images in question aren't registered in your country of residence, that puts them in a very weak position legally (in my opinion). In addition, the registration must be done properly by the company in question. Mr Michelen might choose to comment here if I'm mistaken.
I hope that this is helpful. I'm sure that others were wondering about this too.
Best Regards,