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Author Topic: Why are you on ELI? Why do you keep coming back to ELI?  (Read 16589 times)

Matthew Chan

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Why are you on ELI? Why do you keep coming back to ELI?
« on: November 10, 2012, 09:22:22 PM »
Robert and I were asking ourselves why people hang out here on ELI beyond the obvious of getting answers to extortion letter questions? Most of you no longer need ELI's help or services and yet many of you come back periodically and participate.

Why does the ELI Community even exist and why do ELI Community members hang arouned?  Why do the ELI "regulars" stay regulars?  Are you here because you want the latest news and information?  Are you addicted/do you enjoy the drama that comes up now and again?  Are you here because you are among friends?  Are you here because you feel passionately about the cause that ELI represents? Are you here because you feel you make a difference?

What is it about ELI that keeps many of you coming back?  By rights, most of you no longer need ELI's help or services and yet many of you do come back.

Robert, Oscar, and I would really like to know if you are willing to share.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2012, 02:14:56 AM by Matthew Chan »
I'm a non-lawyer but not legally ignorant either. Under the 1st Amendment, I have the right to post facts & opinions using rhetorical hyperbole, colloquialisms, metaphors, parody, snark, or epithets. Under Section 230 of CDA, I'm only responsible for posts I write, not what others write.

Moe Hacken

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Re: Why are you on ELI? Why do you keep coming back to ELI?
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2012, 11:56:50 PM »
I like what this group of people is doing and I like the diversity of opinion and approaches to solving problems that are shared.

I keep coming back to hear more about the ongoing works of members like Greg, who's virtually writing a book with his Getty experiment, and to learn more about the nuances of this complicated legal snafu we call "copyright law".

As a media professional, I find all of this to be required reading. What you don't know can hurt you, and ignorance of the law is a perfect example of this principle.

I also like the humor, of course. The crazy memes, S.G.'s excellent infographics, Robert's risque ruminations, etc.

I must note that I believe Oscar's response to Timmy's daring insult was both an excellent lesson in copyright law and the funniest humbling of an opponent I've read in a long time. All in good taste!

Thanks for the forum, Matt. It does all kinds of good things for all kinds of good people.
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Robert Krausankas (BuddhaPi)

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Re: Why are you on ELI? Why do you keep coming back to ELI?
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2012, 07:58:35 AM »
Most questions have already been addressed in the forums, get yourself educated before making decisions.

Any advice is strictly that, and anything I may state is based on my opinions, and observations.
Robert Krausankas

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Re: Why are you on ELI? Why do you keep coming back to ELI?
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2012, 10:19:13 AM »
I come back and will continue to come back because of the people here on the forum. With the exception of my education in the school of hard knocks, I've never learned so much from a single source as I have from this forum. And I continue to learn more on most visits to ELI.

I also feel an obligation to stick around to help others who get their first letter from Getty Images or their first letter from that copyright troll and collection agent Timothy B. McCormack (who is way over his head when it comes to writing standard English form letters that aren't full of third grade errors) and his apparently semi-literate band of paralegals like Ashanti A. Taylor who have never noticed all the goofy and careless mistakes in the payment extraction form letters coming out of McCormack Intellectual [sic] Property Law.

Getty, McCormack, and his ilk cause a LOT of pain to honest and thoughtful human beings who in most likely 99% of the cases innocently use thumbnail images. By blustering and threatening and twisting outdated copyright laws, Getty, McCormack, and their band of minimum wage goons have undoubtedly caused many sleepless nights, if not panic attacks and worse. I consider behavior that affects fellow human beings in such a negative way an unconscionable moral crime, and I've made it part of my life's work to never let up on these foul creatures until they disappear back into the sewers from which they crawled, slimy and covered with shit and reeking of greed and lust for money they haven't earned by the sweat of honest labor.

I'm also here because I admire Matt and Oscar's courage and integrity. When one finds jewels like Matt and Oscar hosting a public service website like ELI, it become an obligation to help keep those jewels polished so they can reflect light into the grim darkness that composes the world of image copyright extortion.

I'm here because I admire Robert's humor and his passion for the task of stopping these extortion letters and exposing and publicizing those who send them.

I'm here because SG keeps me grounded and focused on learning more about copyright law and its proper application to image cases.

I'm here because Jerry stays on an even keel and succinctly provides some of the best advice available for new letter recipients.

I'm here because of Greg's sense of right and wrong, and the white fire he has stoked in himself to put an end to what the trolls are doing.

I'm here because Peeved brings a smile to my face with her comments and observations and contributions.

So, yes, Matt, I'll come back.

I'll come back because one always comes back to places that feel like home.

Matthew Chan

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Re: Why are you on ELI? Why do you keep coming back to ELI?
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2012, 10:12:13 PM »
ELI Addiction?  I want to know more.

What are the signs of ELI addiction?  What are the symptoms of withdrawal?  What elements create the addiction? :)

Ok...I'll go first...

My name is Peev and I am addicted to ELI...

Are you in it because you need the latest information? Don't "need" it but still interested.
Are you addicted to the drama? Nope, don't really care for "drama".
Are you here because you are among friends? Yup.  
Are you here because you feel passionately about the cause that ELI represents? Yup.
Are you here because you feel you make a difference (which you do)? Well... not sure about this one but hey,
if it helps get a boost in Google Search..... what the hell.

« Last Edit: November 11, 2012, 11:42:39 PM by Matthew Chan »
I'm a non-lawyer but not legally ignorant either. Under the 1st Amendment, I have the right to post facts & opinions using rhetorical hyperbole, colloquialisms, metaphors, parody, snark, or epithets. Under Section 230 of CDA, I'm only responsible for posts I write, not what others write.

Matthew Chan

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Re: Why are you on ELI? Why do you keep coming back to ELI?
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2012, 10:35:12 PM »

Your response has moved me.

1. I am glad people are learning and appreciate the education aspect of ELI.  Oscar has done an excellent job providing and teaching the legal arguments of our side. I have endeavored to teach the power of community, open commentary, symbolism, powerful web presence, teamwork, loyalty, commitment to a cause, unity, transparency, and authenticity.

2.  Both Oscar and I had media exposure experience. We both have been on local TV, written articles, been written about, etc. before we even met. When we came together to work together, it was very easy to discuss media & PR strategy despite the fact we faced a media industry who had far more dollars and staff than Oscar and I did.  Over time, the entire ELI Defense Team understands the concept of media and every team member has appeared and made their presence known in media.

3.  Oscar and I agreed early on to play it straight, educate, and put our personal and professional reputations on the line.  We did it to lead by example and hopefully inspire people to step up since talk is cheap.  Actions speak much louder than words. I am gratified that our actions has attracted those people who want to associate with us and support what we do.

4. I am glad there is a "home among friends" feeling. I have endeavored to give everyone as much room as possible to express themselves and participate in ways they feel comfortable.  If that means crazy memes, fine.  If that means, some gallows humor, fine.  If that means, in-depth research and digging, fine.  If that means, just hanging out and shooting the breeze, fine.  The ELI website is supposed to make victims and those that support our position feel safe.  Notice how "the other side" rarely dare come into our community and spout their propaganda?  They would never survive the onslaught.  You notice that fewer and fewer people are legally threatening ELI compared to a couple years ago?  That is why the ELI Defense Team exists. There is power and strength in community.  You will note that each member offers and contribute something unique. I don't delegate. I let people fill in holes in ELI that need filling.  I also let people create niches and explore ideas that ELI has not considered before.

I loved your well thought out responses.  Thanks so much.

I come back and will continue to come back because of the people here on the forum. With the exception of my education in the school of hard knocks, I've never learned so much from a single source as I have from this forum. And I continue to learn more on most visits to ELI.

I also feel an obligation to stick around to help others who get their first letter from Getty Images or their first letter from that copyright troll and collection agent Timothy B. McCormack (who is way over his head when it comes to writing standard English form letters that aren't full of third grade errors) and his apparently semi-literate band of paralegals like Ashanti A. Taylor who have never noticed all the goofy and careless mistakes in the payment extraction form letters coming out of McCormack Intellectual [sic] Property Law.

Getty, McCormack, and his ilk cause a LOT of pain to honest and thoughtful human beings who in most likely 99% of the cases innocently use thumbnail images. By blustering and threatening and twisting outdated copyright laws, Getty, McCormack, and their band of minimum wage goons have undoubtedly caused many sleepless nights, if not panic attacks and worse. I consider behavior that affects fellow human beings in such a negative way an unconscionable moral crime, and I've made it part of my life's work to never let up on these foul creatures until they disappear back into the sewers from which they crawled, slimy and covered with shit and reeking of greed and lust for money they haven't earned by the sweat of honest labor.

I'm also here because I admire Matt and Oscar's courage and integrity. When one finds jewels like Matt and Oscar hosting a public service website like ELI, it become an obligation to help keep those jewels polished so they can reflect light into the grim darkness that composes the world of image copyright extortion.

I'm here because I admire Robert's humor and his passion for the task of stopping these extortion letters and exposing and publicizing those who send them.

I'm here because SG keeps me grounded and focused on learning more about copyright law and its proper application to image cases.

I'm here because Jerry stays on an even keel and succinctly provides some of the best advice available for new letter recipients.

I'm here because of Greg's sense of right and wrong, and the white fire he has stoked in himself to put an end to what the trolls are doing.

I'm here because Peeved brings a smile to my face with her comments and observations and contributions.

So, yes, Matt, I'll come back.

I'll come back because one always comes back to places that feel like home.
I'm a non-lawyer but not legally ignorant either. Under the 1st Amendment, I have the right to post facts & opinions using rhetorical hyperbole, colloquialisms, metaphors, parody, snark, or epithets. Under Section 230 of CDA, I'm only responsible for posts I write, not what others write.


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Re: Why are you on ELI? Why do you keep coming back to ELI?
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2012, 10:48:55 PM »
I will probably be dealing with Getty for the next 3 years, so I will be stopping in once in awhile to check on any updates. like to see when Getty will start suing for a single image.

Greg Troy (KeepFighting)

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Re: Why are you on ELI? Why do you keep coming back to ELI?
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2012, 11:00:41 PM »
 Where and when are the meetings as I have an ELI problem too ;)

you did a great job expressing how I think a lot of us "regulars" feel, you certainly have a gift with words :)
Every situation is unique, any advice or opinions I offer are given for your consideration only. You must decide what is best for you and your particular situation. I am not a lawyer and do not offer legal advice.

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Jerry Witt (mcfilms)

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Re: Why are you on ELI? Why do you keep coming back to ELI?
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2012, 01:10:00 AM »
I really appreciate the community here. I also feel compelled to "pay it forward" a bit and help out where I can. I think Peeved hit on the main reason I return:
Guess we all want to see the bad guys get hit by the "Karma Truck"
or "karma Bus" in the end.

Yeah baby! I get a little joy every time I hear about someone successfully fighting back or a setback for GI, HAN or the MFers in court.
Although I may be a super-genius, I am not a lawyer. So take my scribblings for what they are worth and get a real lawyer for real legal advice. But if you want media and design advice, please visit Motion City at

Robert Krausankas (BuddhaPi)

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Re: Why are you on ELI? Why do you keep coming back to ELI?
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2012, 06:31:24 AM »
I sense a community meet-up in Vegas early next year!! What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!

Most questions have already been addressed in the forums, get yourself educated before making decisions.

Any advice is strictly that, and anything I may state is based on my opinions, and observations.
Robert Krausankas

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Re: Why are you on ELI? Why do you keep coming back to ELI?
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2012, 10:12:31 AM »
It's funny, but I agree with most everything everyone has said.
  • Yes, part of me wants to pay it forward where I can, yet I realize that I can never make the commitment Greg or Robert have.  Although, never is a long time, if Getty pushes a little more, maybe they will turn me into the second coming of Robert and Greg.
  • I do enjoy the characters here, but more importantly their different approaches to a common problem.  I miss AuctionApril's posts because she took the fight (albeit a little different fight than mine) to the media in a powerful way.
  • I, too, am addicted.  When I try to spend less time on ELI, I find it chasing me down through Facebook and forcing me to pay more attention and come back to the forum.
  • I like the way some people try to take programming approaches to keeping Getty out of their lives, while others work the Search Engine Optimization angles to drawing attention to the dark side of what Getty and other Trollers do.  The diversity of approach I learn here captivates me, in a way.
  • While I don't really want to wrap my life in this dirty trolling business, I feel an obligation to stay connected and help all these committed personalities see this thing through to a successful conclusion.  I realize that my never happen, but I sure wouldn't want to miss it, if it does.
  • I feel like my situation is a little bit different than many of the Getty posters here.  Mine was not a single image violation.  My situation was not about not understanding copyright laws.  My company fell for what I believe was either a tacit seeding scheme, or a radical change of corporate direction that resulted in what we did innocently and with Getty's permission, later being construed as copyright theft.  Part of why I hang around is to see if others got caught in the same trap and to see if I can lend assistance to those who might find themselves in a similar situation.
  • I certainly feel connected to the passion that the regulars on this site feel for righting an important wrong in this world today.
  • If there ever is a class action suit or government hearings on the matter or some such thing, I feel like I might learn about that first here.  If I can in any way participate in eradicating this world of the dreaded copyright troll, I will want to be a part of that.
Like everyone else's, my list can go on.  But what's most important, is to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the organizers, senior members and contributors to this forum for their efforts and contributions.  THANK YOU!

This is one battle that I do not expect us to lose.  But even if we did, I could hold my head up, knowing I was on the right side of the fight, and in the trenches with a quality group of individuals.

April Brown (AuctionApril)

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Re: Why are you on ELI? Why do you keep coming back to ELI?
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2012, 11:55:01 AM »
I stay. I'm loyal. I'm committed. I'm not done with Linda Ellis . Okay, I consider many of you friends. I'm also deeply interested in the issue. This is now part of my life, my conversation, my business advice and my cause. I will never forget the feelings I experienced during the months of interacting with that psycho and her stupid poem. I will also never forget the excitement and support I experienced when Uncle John entered my life and supported me. That stuff sticks. The fact is people still are being victimized and they still contact me in spurts for support. I now have the knowledge to give them that support. I never would have dreamed that attorneys would read my blog and use my words to tell Linda Ellis to bite the big one. I owe a lot to ELI and I won't ever forget Thew and the rest of you. Ever.


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Re: Why are you on ELI? Why do you keep coming back to ELI?
« Reply #12 on: November 13, 2012, 06:40:19 AM »
I got the letter quite some time ago.  I think it was not long after Matthew had just started the ELI site.  Even though it was early on, the site gave me confidence that
1) I had solid legal ground to not pay the exhorbitant fees asked for
2) I was on solid ethical and moral ground to not pay the exhorbitant fees

As the web-site grew I kept checking in and making comments and asking questions here and there.  The community support of others doing the exact same thing let me know I was on the right track.

So I continue to check in from time to time as a small way to "pay it forward".  By themselves, my comments here are squat . . . I know that.  But the collective effect of all of our comments together combined go a long way in giving the two points I mentioned above to people who find themselves in this situation. 

And that's just the contribution of the "small time" commenters here like me.  Of course the main support is coming from the elite few (not me) that pour hours into research and commentary here.

The whole thing's kinda got a cool historical element to it as well.  Its only relatively recently that the internet has been around as a tool to fight these types of injustices.   It feels good to be a part of it even if it is in a small way :)

Kudos to Matt and Oscar for being pioneers in this type of effort.

April Brown (AuctionApril)

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Re: Why are you on ELI? Why do you keep coming back to ELI?
« Reply #13 on: November 23, 2012, 10:54:23 AM »
Wow. What a year. I just realized another reason I come back to ELI is this. ELI is an army and an army's purpose is to keep going when one soldier falters or gets snuffed. 2012 for me was one of those years of the big D's. Divorce (mine), Disease (broken shoulder), Death (my dad) and I have to add Disappointment (Linda Ellis). It has been tough making time for this fight - yet this is a fight I will always be involved with. The ELI Army stands in my place and keeps the pressure on in spite of my ability to play  all the time. I know why Ellis victims pay up and drop out or do nothing. In the scheme of my life, Linda Ellis is meaningless. Everything else is more important BUT the issue is huge and the consequences for others is huge as well. I now know how it must feel to get one of those stupid letters during grief. If you have every been involved with the dying and death process, the very idea of having ONE MORE THING draining your bank account or straining relationships or zapping energy is just not acceptable. So today, I want to be all sappy and let the gang know I treasure your efforts and thanks for holding my place until I'm up to speed again. BTW, I set a record for eating pumpkin pie. 6 slices in 20 hours. Ugh.


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Re: Why are you on ELI? Why do you keep coming back to ELI?
« Reply #14 on: November 23, 2012, 06:32:41 PM »
. . . that psycho and her stupid poem . . .

I just have to wonder if these idiots ever think about the legacy they will leave behind.  All the dirty laundry and behavior documented on the web and out there to see for generations to come.  What must it be like to be forever known as "that psycho and her stupid poem" ?


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