It seams that there are no entrys whatsoever on the internet according to the Getty case after '07/'08. How come? Is Getty images silently preparing lawsuits? Is that the reason nobody heard anything anymore? How is it with your case Matthew? Or has it just became utterly silent after the last reply that you are not going to pay?
I'm kind of scared right now that Getty is preparing for a giant battle against all who are bullied by them. What else could be the reason for this silence before the storm? Please anybody, please inform what happened ever since you received the letter. Here is what I think happend to all of you:
1. The first Settlement Demand letter. I received this one as well. What to do next? There seem to bee two options: a) totally ignore everything that Getty sends you and b) reply that you aren't acknowledging there invoice or absurd settlement fee. What did you guys do?
2. The second letter arrives with a discount of 15% (or is is 25%?) if you pay fast. Again: either reply or ignore, please advise.
3. A collection agency starts calling and mailing that you have to pay, otherwise they will prepare a lawsuit. Again: what to do?
4. Dead silence.
Is this a correct viewing of things? If not: please correct!
I really want to know what to do, because this amount of money is defenitly going to put me out of business. The letter itself hit like a bomb and is really messing up the lifes of me and my family. The silence on every weblog is also killing me. I really don't know what to do anymore - and with the current status of the world economy, there isn't that much room to pay an attorney as well.
Thank you very much in advantage and I'll be glad hearing from you soon.
P.S. Excuse me for my crappy English.
I'm kind of scared right now that Getty is preparing for a giant battle against all who are bullied by them. What else could be the reason for this silence before the storm? Please anybody, please inform what happened ever since you received the letter. Here is what I think happend to all of you:
1. The first Settlement Demand letter. I received this one as well. What to do next? There seem to bee two options: a) totally ignore everything that Getty sends you and b) reply that you aren't acknowledging there invoice or absurd settlement fee. What did you guys do?
2. The second letter arrives with a discount of 15% (or is is 25%?) if you pay fast. Again: either reply or ignore, please advise.
3. A collection agency starts calling and mailing that you have to pay, otherwise they will prepare a lawsuit. Again: what to do?
4. Dead silence.
Is this a correct viewing of things? If not: please correct!
I really want to know what to do, because this amount of money is defenitly going to put me out of business. The letter itself hit like a bomb and is really messing up the lifes of me and my family. The silence on every weblog is also killing me. I really don't know what to do anymore - and with the current status of the world economy, there isn't that much room to pay an attorney as well.
Thank you very much in advantage and I'll be glad hearing from you soon.
P.S. Excuse me for my crappy English.