Questions that Peggy might have her lawyer ask are:
1. Show and prove what price and volume of ACTUAL sales VKT has made, not some fictional, arbitrary value pulled out of thin air. If he has photos that show sales of $50, that will help demonstrate what the true market value of the image is. What resolution and format does he sell at? If VKT shows very low sales AND a "low" price (anything under $200 such as for innocent infringements), guess what? Judges might be swayed to the lower end of the spectrum.
2. The lawyer needs to ask about all these FREE VKT wallpaper websites? How did those come about? And WHY are they out there? Are there prominent disclaimers?
3. What is the damages for alleged infringement on a Facebook site? Facebook may be on the Internet but Facebook is actually "closed site". How many users could actually view the infringed photos? Generally, Facebook users have to actually "like" either a page or a personal account to view such images. And just because photos are on a Facebook page or personal account, they don't automatically show on everyone's timeline. Hypothetically, if 10 people actually saw them, does that warrant a $10,000 statutory damages award? What is the formula here?
As a non-lawyer and if I had to represent myself, there are numerous questions that I would prepare to ascertain what the value of the infringement award to be. Generally speaking, fighting the infringement claim is not good use of time. However, a good use of time is to show that the value of the infringement comes close to "de minimus".
Just thinking out of the box late at night....