Generally speaking, when people choose to settle, it is done quietly. And most settlement agreements call for the parties to NOT discuss it. Most people who settle, tend to fall off the grid. Although, I do keep my ear to the ground and pickup some nuggets occasionally. I can tell you that anyone that settle close to the stated amount are generally very uninformed.
The small business that I work for has also received one of these letters, from Higbee and Associates. I posted the image after getting it from PicServer, failing to notice the "must attribute" part. Our lawyers have contacted Higbee and Associates and the minimum settlement they are willing to accept is $750. My boss is wanting to settle just to be done with it, as her lawyers are charging $350 an hour to deal with this. We offered to buy the image, (after immediately removing it).
Here are my questions: has anyone else dealing with this photographer and firm reached a settlement? If so, do you mind sharing what it is?