First, I appreciate a lot this (blog/link/thread?) as I recently received a letter demanding $5280.
My first reaction was panic. OMG. I stole someone’s intellectual property that I thought was free.
As soon as I got the attorney’s letter I removed the image.
I exhaled and started to reflect on the process.
The more I looked the more I realized what a clever swindle it was.
First it was posted under free images at this link. came the fine print. =0ahUKEwjs14jAuPfbAhVosFQKHTLgAa8QpwUIHw&biw=1794&bih=952&dpr=1#imgrc=hV0PRVgGR5OUjM:
Which leads to the following image
Free Creative Commons
Handwriting Assessment Image
After searching for free images: I find the photo and under the image it says the image may be licensed. So, when I click on the image it takes me to this site: is the first paragraph on the page:
Free Creative Commons Handwriting Assessment Image
The picture below related to the word Assessment is licensed by R M Media Ltd under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike license which permits the free use of the image for any purpose including commercial use and permits the image to be modified. The image may be redistributed for free under the same Creative Commons license but may not be sold, attribution required, see license details below.
Please ensure the license and image size are suitable for your use, alternatively you can purchase the original full-size image on a right managed license for a few dollars from Alpha Stock Images here
When I clicked on Alpha Stock Images and searched for assessment, 4 pages of images show up and the image in question is NOT there and there are no directions to purchase images from there. Nor are there any directions for making an attribution.
After doing what I considered due diligence to find how much it was to pay for the image and could not locate a place to pay or the fee I assumed it was ok to use the image.
Then I received the letter from xxx attorney wanting $5280.
I do have some curiosity how they arrive at their different penalty numbers.
It is a clever bait and switch.
They simply advertise the product under FREE and give no clear directions how to pay for something and no description of what the fee will be or how to make an attribution.
Then they surprise the user with a violation and offer a proposed settlement.
I am sure some people wanting to avoid a legal hassle will opt for a settlement. And they must get enough settlements to continue this kind of swindle.
It is unfortunate the attorney and photographer use their creative talents to prey on legitimate business people instead of harnessing that energy for a productive use.
So, thank you all for posting your experiences. And I am quite sure this is only the tip of a large parasitic iceberg just lying in wait of another unsuspecting target.