Getting to the point of beating a dead horse but here goes...
Can someone please answer on here how RM Media,, and/or any other Nicholas Youngson sabotage sites can legally use web search snippets designed to optimize and advertise their images in the free for commercial purposes and free to modify labeling filter in advanced image searches with Google?
Very easy...there is nothing "illegal" about performing SEOmto get better search engine results.
These pictures show up high and front and center in this search platform and the website search snippets do not contain any obligations or terms.
and they don't need to
They purely say that they are free to use for commercial purposes and to modify. They are optimized and designed for ranking and to be labeled in the filter for Google images advanced search for free to use for commercial purposes and to modify.
correct, and they are FREE to use for commercial purposes and CAN be modified, so long as the end user abides by the terms, which are clearly there.
How in the world can someone advertise something is free, get placed on a popular image search site as such which uses their website search snippets with meta desctriptions that they designed, and then threaten lawsuits and extort money for settlements to the poor tricked fools who believe what they are advertising??
Because they are free, as far as I know there are no laws on the books dictating how one performs SEO, you were not "tricked" nor was anyone else, you simply failed to abide by the terms of the creative commons license agreement... I'm not defending Youngson, he's an asshole and douchebag for being a copyright troll, but from a legal standpoint, he hasn't misled anyone.
My bigger question is how in the world is Google either unaware or doing nothing about it???
Google has bots that grab the meta-description, and index the images, no human intervention, and if there was,it's not google job to police anything, their job is to serve relative search results to users and generate revenue through ads, and selling your surfing habits, along with tracking everything you do online, and it's owner cannot say that they do not know about the deceptive issues as so many have been caught up in the sabotage?
Again with the deception.....Let me ask you a question, if you had read the terms and conditions would you have used the image?....Likely not, becqause you would have understood that attributiuon was a requirement..this all falls on the end user.
Has anyone formally informed Google about this abuse and extortion due to their incorrect filtering and labeling of these pictures?
What "incorrect filtering"?? every google search resulot for an images contains "Images may be subject to copyright"...thats all google needs to do, they don't host the images, they simply link to them. As a web developer I can tag my pages, content or images anyway I would like to, if google percieves these tags to be "blackhat" seo, they may or may not index those items
This is out of control! I can't believe this has gone on for this long and people are still getting entrapped.
Most people get "entrapped" because they don't know any better, others do and simply don't care about taking the risk, some like myself purchase or use images with a license that may be obtained from nefarious sources.
These webpage search snippets make it clear as day that many or maybe all of these images are free to use commercially and to modify with absolutely no obligations,exceptions, or terms while there are licensed terms that are very hard to find and know.
They have no obligation to include anything in there meta descriptions...when you go to the site where the images are hosted there are links to the license agreement, which most people don't read...Have you ever read the EULA agreement before firing up your windows or Apple operating system?...Likely not
This is how and why Google image search is filtering them in that incorrect category.
Google doesn't serve results in categories, don't know where this come froms, Yahoo used to serve resukts in categories many moons ago.. I'm assumingt you mean a search like "free cat images"...if thas the case, there is no reason why the images should not show up there, provided they are images of cats, the images are FREE to use,,WITH ATTRIBUTION.
Everyone needs to write Google a letter, Godaddy (, I think the FCC (please correct me if there is a different govt. commission for this type of abuse), and any other internet business enabling this extortion and abuse. Take pictures of all these snippets and keep all of your email threats in a file.
Good luck with this, I'm going to go piss up a rope, I'll be using my time better.
Can someone also please, please, please get me the date that the disclaimer was added to that website at the top as it is the only other disclaimer in the screenshot of the website as the other warning is under the letters directory for the image that the license permits you to use free for commercial purposes and to modify however you want.
bottom line is the disclaimer is there, might not be the most prevalent item on the page, it's there..
What they truly are guilty of is knowing this deception is fooling people into thinking the images are safe while they are not.
FALSE, they are guilty of knowing that most users are to ignorant, lazy, dumb (use whatever term you want here) to read the terms.. I gurantee you if I were to use those images and provide attribution as stated in the terms I would NOT get a letter..
They are handing you the keys to their car, telling you that you can take it for a drive, and then telling you that if you don't give them enormous amounts of money they are going to tell the police that you stole their car. This is screaming of fraud, false advertising, blackmail, etc. I just don't get how this has gone on so long. What the heck am I missing??
You're missing that you may have used an image and did not adhere to the terms of use, so now you got a letter and need to decide how to move forward with YOUR situation to make it go away.. It's great to be pissed and fed-up, and great to be an advocate, but you need to see it for what it is, and not what it's not..It's a shitty thing, and youngson and others that are copyright trolls don't deserve a dime, there really are not many legal arguments to stop him, but the more negative exposure he gets, and the more people learn, the better off we all are.