In June 2007, after a great deal of frustration with the scamming tactics of a local (Columbus, GA) businesswoman named Janice Ledden who was lying to everyone and ripping her clients off, I decided to launch a website to go after her. She never gave a shit about anyone's threats of a lawsuit so I decided to go after her reputation using publicity.
It made the local TV news and I was swamped with informants dying to give me information to put up on the website. The local police was nearly useless. The local TV station could only devote very little time to the story. But my website had all the space anyone needed. She was put out of business inside of 30 days when everyone found out about her scamming and lying ways.
After 5 years, I shut down but I moved and preserved all the good content, interviews, and TV news videos to ELI.
It was good practice for coming up with a strategy to go up against Getty Images a year later in 2008.
It made the local TV news and I was swamped with informants dying to give me information to put up on the website. The local police was nearly useless. The local TV station could only devote very little time to the story. But my website had all the space anyone needed. She was put out of business inside of 30 days when everyone found out about her scamming and lying ways.
After 5 years, I shut down but I moved and preserved all the good content, interviews, and TV news videos to ELI.
It was good practice for coming up with a strategy to go up against Getty Images a year later in 2008.