As a professional writer, I'm sensitive to copyright, and I believe those who make their living via copyrightable materials should receive fair compensation for what they do.
With that said, the current state of copyright is absurdly inadequate in a digital world, and with the proliferation of extrajudicial copyright trolling schemes to extort money from websites and users, I fear matters are only going to get worse.
The "good old days" of the internet may soon be behind us, especially if the politicians and greedy bastards who own them, along with lawyers like the copyright trolls at Timothy B. McCormack law firm who are out to make an easy buck by abusing the spirit of many laws, are allowed free rein.
Perhaps, however, in the future, groups like Anonymous will develop ways to keep the internet vital and free by making it impossible for the trolls and their masters to ruin digital life for the rest of us. It saddens me to look to what some would call "rogue elements" for justice, but, alas, the American "justice system" these days is not a friend of the average person. Instead, for the most part, it seems to me to be just another broken part of a system that now works mainly for the special interests.