Interesting article but I agree with Peeved, he is just using the system because he can which is exactly what the Getty, HAN/VKT and the rest of the trolls are doing. I understand standing up for your rights, if the collectors were calling him and threating him while he is trying to work it out then yes, sue them, but when you sit on your couch and wait for them to call with your list of “Bait questions” ready and wait for someone to slip and say the wrong thing so you can sue them that’s wrong too. He’s just a new “little guy” form of troll.
HAN/VKT- $1000.00 bucks an image for baited wallpaper sites.
Craig Cunningham - 1000.00 bucks for a wrong answers to baited questions from bill collectors (trying to collect on legitimate debt BTW)
Any difference, not in my opinion. Just sayin....