Good article pertaining to the asshats at Prenda Law, which directly relates to the court decision concerning Matthew Chan.
Yesterday, we filed a motion to quash a subpoena seeking the identity of the blogger behind Die Troll Die, a website dedicated to “News and Views Involving Copyright Trolls & John/Jane Does.”
For years, Die Troll Die has been covering news about Prenda Law and its predecessor Steele Hansmeier PLLC, amoung many others. Prenda Law is a porn troll. This means that it looks for IP addresses that allegedly downloaded adult films via BitTorrent, seeks to subpoena the ISP for the contact information of the account holder associated with that IP address, and then threatens to name the alleged infringer in a copyright lawsuit, right next to the embarrassing title of a pornographic film. Or just settle, for thousands of dollars.
Yesterday, we filed a motion to quash a subpoena seeking the identity of the blogger behind Die Troll Die, a website dedicated to “News and Views Involving Copyright Trolls & John/Jane Does.”
For years, Die Troll Die has been covering news about Prenda Law and its predecessor Steele Hansmeier PLLC, amoung many others. Prenda Law is a porn troll. This means that it looks for IP addresses that allegedly downloaded adult films via BitTorrent, seeks to subpoena the ISP for the contact information of the account holder associated with that IP address, and then threatens to name the alleged infringer in a copyright lawsuit, right next to the embarrassing title of a pornographic film. Or just settle, for thousands of dollars.