I was just reading an article over at the Die Troll Die website where Judge Martinez in Colorado has just ruled in two of Malibu Media's lawsuits that the court finds improper the joinder of all of the does in one filing. One case names does 1-5 and another case names does 1-54. In what seems to be a move designed to make it tougher for the trolls, Judge Martinez has ruled he must file a separate suit for each doe which will quickly add up to a nice chunk of change. So now if Malibu Media wishes to continue with their suit they must file a 57 suits instead of 2 at $350 a filing which means they must pay $19,950 to pursue this. I think Judge Martinez deserves and ELI pat on the back for striking back at the trolls and their frivolous lawsuits. Now Malibu Media must decide if the limited prospects for victory is worth the outlay of cash to file the suits. You can read the entire article as well as Judge Martinez's rulings in the link below.