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Topics - holysmokes

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I received this string of code in my analytic data the same day they responded to my written letter. Gettys response was in email format.

This particular email was short, unlike their other emails which range in 5-8 paragraphs (cookie cutter emails).

I mailed them a letter asking for proof of copyright registration, signed paper work of artist transferring copyright paper work to Getty. Photographer information so that I may contact them to apologize. Exact day of infringement and how they calculated their damages. Also, pointing out that they are aware I innocently acquired 'their' image, enforcing without really saying that I know I'll only have to pay $200 if this does go to court.

This new email was no more than 2 paragraphs, stating if the matter were to go to court then the information requested will be presented. Maybe a one last effort to scare me? But I know this is common for them to answer in that form when asking for info like that.

In their previous emails, they still finish off with saying they are still seeking $xxx damages and that I pay promptly within 2 weeks. This one, had nothing of that nature.

They simply told me the exact day of infringement and explained how they are estimating damages.

Any who, here is what's more interesting.

I hope they logged in that day to remove my name and said, "the hell with this guy, he keeps mailing back forms when we email him and isn't budging." I know that's a bit farfetched, but this is the only time I have seen this code on the days they respond. I track activity everyday, especially on days I receive communication from Getty just to see what 'tracking code' comes their way, and this was a new one. Hell, they could have logged in to escalate for all I know lol.

Anyone else see this referral traffic from Getty?

I was looking in my google analytics and found this: / referral

1 visit so far, with no duration of time on my site.

I responded professionally to their first letter almost 3 weeks ago and have yet to hear anything on their end (mail, phone call, or spying wise) until today.

I wonder if this is an automated bot or someone 'human' from Getty going to my site.


Whats even more odd -- a referral only counts when someone clicks on 'my domain link' from a different website. How would I get a referral visitor from Getty if my site is no where posted on theirs?

Could it be two employees emailing each other with my url in it?

If you copy paste into the search bar it redirects to

Getty Images Letter Forum / Got my letter today... UPDATE
« on: November 13, 2011, 05:16:07 AM »
Hello everyone,
First off, I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this forum, especially its creators and main supporters. It is great to know that there are still good-hearted individuals that take the time out of their busy schedules to create such a 'movement'. Its inspirational to say the least.

My story.... I'm a college guy who started an eCommerce site, the site is first-off very informative. I type articles in my niche so that customers see we are more than just another 'online-store'.

Almost two years ago, I got a blog template for WordPress (wordpress powers my article directory) from a popular internet marketing forum (won't say the name) in a special section only paying members are allowed to access (the creators of the template were an design company no longer around). In it, well, was my template, images, psd files etc.

For those who are not familiar with WordPress, its a free software platform driven by a community of millions who contribute – similar to SMF which is what powers this forum and the free theme provided by the infamous 'Crip' designer who has over millions in downloads for his popular templates.

Gradually, as I became better at web developing I ended up trashing the template – but a specific article was never edited, hence the dang image was still there. All my articles are educational, they don't have links pointing to product nor do they have anything to do with product. They are simply educational.

I was using that 'lucky-image' for an article not even accessible on the eCommerce site which launched in March 2011.

Here I am today, trying to figure out how I am going to even scrape change to hire Oscar, but I am. Finals are almost here, my site isn't the most successful, but most people think my site is run by a multi-million dollar company just because of the site design which scares me a bit now...

The irony in this is gut-wrenching on a professional standpoint because I am a photographer and did all the work myself since I'm broke.

For people hit with a claim form 3-4 years ago, did it go away? Is it a done deal? The phrase 'its rare' that Getty will take you to court seems to be thrown around, basically implicating that they've been successful at some rate even in court?

Sorry for the rambling, as I am sure you all understand, this takes a bit to chew, but I'm chewing away.

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