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Messages - RyanHealy

Pages: 1 [2]
Getty Images Letter Forum / Re: I am getting slammed by photographers
« on: October 13, 2012, 12:01:38 PM »

Wedding photographers come to mind....  You spend all that money to have them take photos but then they decide how many copies you can make and what you can do with them?  GMAFB.

Totally agree with you on that. Family photo studios are the same way. They charge you big money for a sitting fee, charge big money for prints, but then try to retain copyright of the photos -- which are of your own family!

Even more irritating, they delete your photos after about 1 year if you don't buy any more prints during that time.

Last time I got family photos taken, I negotiated copyright as part of my purchase so I could use the photo on my annual Christmas card. If I had not of done this, I would have been in violation of copyright.

Getty Images Letter Forum / Re: I am getting slammed by photographers
« on: October 12, 2012, 06:44:01 PM »
Good idea. The photog probably makes more that way - cut out the middle man.

By the way, here's the thread on Shutterstock in case anybody is interested in seeing the discussion there.

Getty Images Letter Forum / Re: I am getting slammed by photographers
« on: October 12, 2012, 05:29:25 PM »
Mulligan - Thanks for the feedback. I thought about turning off comments, but comments are good for SEO. I want my article to be found to warn others about the dangers of using images on websites.

Greg - Thanks for the feedback. I totally agree with your analysis. The photographers keep harping on about the need for them to be protected, etc. But they fail to grasp the situation. In cases of innocent infringement, a simple cease and desist would do. These settlement demands are just outrageous (unless you're a photographer -- then screw the little people!).

Getty Images Letter Forum / I am getting slammed by photographers
« on: October 12, 2012, 10:00:40 AM »
Hey Guys,

My first post in these forums...

I've gotten three settlement demand letters from Getty. I then hired Matthew for a 30-minute call over the summer, which was super helpful. At that time I told him I would right an expose on my blog about Getty's unethical actions.

Well, I finally got around to publishing my expose earlier this week -- with links back to ELI for anybody facing a similar situation.

At first, my readers were sympathetic, and I expected most people would be sympathetic. But now I'm getting slammed with comments from photographers about how I should quit whining and just pay up. (!!!)

I'm responding to their comments as best I can, but my responses carry less weight since I'm defending myself.

Anyway, if you'd like to respond to any of the crazy comments I'm getting (or just see how people respond to this issue), feel free to do so here:

And if posting this link is not appropriate, feel free to delete it. Thanks.


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