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Messages - kingkendall

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Getty Images Letter Forum / How do Copyright trolls find their targets?
« on: August 03, 2017, 02:58:52 PM »
I have a rough idea that trolls use reverse images searches to find where their images have been used.  And I also heard they use bots and crawlers.  But, what esle am I missing? 

Getty Images Letter Forum / Re: Pixsy demand email
« on: July 13, 2017, 06:14:49 PM »
Listen to your Ad Agency and ignore them.  Go live you life.  They want you to bounce around in fear.  But, life is too short.  Go live it. 

Getty Images Letter Forum / Re: ELI is 9-years old!
« on: July 10, 2017, 09:16:45 PM »
I wanna thank you Matthew and Oscar for creating this site.  It's been a source information and strength for me personally.  I hope one day there won't be a need for ELI.  But, until that day comes, thanks! 

But even Figaro14 didn't list his physical address on his website copyright trolls still get the info via ISPs who are quick to give up the info.  That's what the majority of them do in the first place.  But, we all live and learn.  I took all my personal bio off of Facebook.  Remember when everyone put everything on there?  Where they work, what college and highschool they graduated from?  I always thought thst was nuts. 


We all gain from each other's experience.  And what you contributed os worth it's weight in gold for the people who strugle with the idea of contacting the copyright troll or not contacting.  You tried like a Gentlemen but got no where because you were dealing with snakes.  That's a good lesson and I want to thank you for it.  I'm in the same boat as you,  It's not fun.  But, I refuse to let scoundrels rob me of my joy.

Yes, I think @Figaro14 is being very wise.  He's tried to explain that he's not in the wrong.  I think he's got a very strong case.  Copyright trolls are not about legality.  They're about getting cash from low hnanging fruit (people who freak out, scared to death of getting sued so the pay up).  That's the whole business model.  I say the less contact the better.  Leave the copyright troll in the dark not knowing what you got in your defense.  Don't give them them the satifaction of being fearful.  Keep records of every single commuinication, keep your power dry.     


Although it's a pain you could consider deleting the images or the posts you consider at risk and continue with the site. 

I watched a video by a IP lawyer that strongly argued that a screen shot of a website in and of itrself does not constittute conclusive proof of copyright infridgement.  A 6 year old could photoshop the samne thing in 2 minutes.  Howvewr, copyright trolls still use it to scare the bejesus out of uninformed people for quick cash with threat of a lawsuit. 

From what you described it looks like Higbee is not coordinating their own personnel.  You're just a case number to them to see if your gulible enough to pay.  Get educated on how the scam works by reading this forum.  A lot of good stuff here.  Sit tight, document everything and learn. 

Getty Images Letter Forum / Re: Pixsy demand email
« on: June 02, 2017, 10:17:05 AM »
No, Leibovitz probably doesn't do this because I'll lay good money that the majority of her clients engage her on a work-for-hire 

In my experience, clients at this level do not put resources into chasing infringements for various reasons - mostly because the resulting images have a one-time purpose that benefits them.

That's a piece of insight others may benefit from on this forum. 


Getty Images Letter Forum / Re: Pixsy demand email
« on: June 02, 2017, 12:20:02 AM »
I don't think Annie Leibovitz spends her time doing reverse searches of her work so she can send 75 yr old grandmothers demand letters for using one of her images on their knitting sites.  Granny didn't know any better.  But, just the same Annie might send Granny a note, "Do you mind , Grand Ma?  That's my photo, please take it down?"  "Oh I'm sorry", Granny says, "I didn’t know." 

But instead Granny gets a demand letter from Attorney Screw You, Pay Me representing Joe Palucka photographer asking for $7,000 or he'll sue.  What no nice note asking to take the pic down?  No way.  Joe Palucka makes in a month what Annie  Leibovitz make in an hour.  So pay up, Granny, or else!   

Getty Images Letter Forum / Re: Pixsy demand email
« on: June 01, 2017, 10:48:35 AM »

Keep your powder dry and don't be so quick to think you have to pay up.  They're trying to intomadate you into paying. 

The extortion scam thrives because unscrupulous characters taking advantage of antiquated copyright laws to make a quick buck.  Then they hide behind the law and claim it’s the law.  Nobody is looking to hurt creators of content.  They just want a nice image to put on their site.  They’re not thieves.  But, ignorance is a money maker for some people


Like another poster has said, you're judgement proof.  But, you're goona have to decide what's best for you. 

Getty Images Letter Forum / Re: I am confused- respond or not
« on: May 18, 2017, 05:01:20 PM »

I didn't see Jerry Witt's comments while I was writing mine.  Although I thought his comments were on point.  You may not like it but I thought it was an honest assessment.  Getty images and other copyright trolls take advantage of people's fear and ignorance to make phat money.  This forum is a resouce for people to get educated and empowered.  My comment to you was to keep a record of the email, which is not ignoring it, and move on with your life.  In other words don't let them scare you into paying up cash.  It serves no purpose to sugarcoat you.  Embrace what Jerry wrote.  He did you a big favor by being so blunt.  The name of the website is extortion letter info, right?  Bluntness is necesaary epecially when copyright trolls are lookin to fleece people. 

Getty Images Letter Forum / Re: I am confused- respond or not
« on: May 18, 2017, 02:40:17 PM »

Print up the email, stick it in a manilla folder, and go on living your life.  You need to stop being so willing to pay somebody. 

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