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Messages - justinkunst

Pages: [1]
Getty Images Letter Forum / Re: Another Aldrich Law Firm Letter
« on: January 22, 2012, 08:31:39 PM »
Thanks Buddhapi,

Yes, this is Russell Aldrich from Aldrich Law Firm.  I am reading the forum and learning about the copyright situation with these companies.  I'll check this post daily and I really appreciate your help.  From what I'm reading, you're the person(people) to choose for help.


Getty Images Letter Forum / Re: Another Aldrich Law Firm Letter
« on: January 22, 2012, 02:48:18 PM »
Yes Sir, exactly like that.  The company though is "", and the picture I had on my site was a collage of images - one of which was apparently from their site.  I didn't make the collage the entire collage was from a different website.  What should I do to resolve this without paying out my nose?

Getty Images Letter Forum / Another Aldrich Law Firm Letter
« on: January 22, 2012, 01:26:07 AM »
Hello Gentlemen,

I came upon this forum very much like everyone else I'm sure.  I'm bet this sounds familiar, I had an image on my site which I had no clue was copyright and low and behold I received this demand letter.  The letter is dated Dec. 27, though because I recently moved, it was just opened tonight.  They are requesting $1929.00, which I hardly have a fraction of.  I feel insulted and wronged...  What can I do?

Justin Kunst

Pages: [1]
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