« on: January 15, 2012, 09:52:58 AM »
Like all trolls, this jerk (I'm trying to keep this PG-13) should go back under his bridge.
Nouns & adjectives that come to mind for this son of a... gun : bully, extortionist, liar, manipulator, thug, pig, criminal; opportunistic, incredulous, scatter-brained, incompetent, delusional, and deceitful. Hopefully we can add "broke", "homeless" and "suffering from hyptothermia" to the list at some point.
This clown was his own worst enemy. Picking on moms and housewives using embroidery patterns was stupid enough, but going after HP, and especially Bernina, was the textbook definition of "over-reach". Plus I know that there are a few people here who stood up to the bully and told him to go pound sand.
If he so much as looks in my direction again, I will hit him with the force of a hurricane.
George, go back under your bridge, wallow in your misery, continue to pick the toe jam from your smelly feet, and stop wasting everyone's time with your bullying tactics. With the internet, we are able to share information thanks to sites like this & contributors such as the participants on this board.
If you look in our collective direction again, we will CRUSH YOU. Read that again: we will hit you back HARD. Fines, rulings, court costs, attorney's fees, etc.
George, if karma is real, you should be constantly looking over your shoulder, because you've certainly gone to the well too many times.
(Even though Riddick writes like a 6th grader, I have almost no doubt that he's aware of this board and probably reads messages from time to time, even if it takes him a couple minutes to read each sentence. Riddick, if you're reading this, know this: there is enough focused and cooperative anger and hate towards you, we will band together to crush any idiotic, redneck, backwoods bullying maneuvers you attempt, so run away now before it's too late.)