UK Getty Images Letter Forum / Re: Extortion Letter from PicRights UK
« on: June 15, 2018, 07:36:43 AM »
Hello UKDave,
I have received the same letter from PicRights UK a week ago regarding a Dubai image. This is the first letter and e-mail they have sent to me and PicRights are asking whether I have a licence or not. I am an Interactive, Media Web Design student. I have created a Travel website and used images from unsplash, freepik, pinterest. I have researched the image on TinEye - image search engine and the image belongs to a photographer / journalist with images published on CNN and the independent.
I am not sure of what action to take.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best Regards
I have received the same letter from PicRights UK a week ago regarding a Dubai image. This is the first letter and e-mail they have sent to me and PicRights are asking whether I have a licence or not. I am an Interactive, Media Web Design student. I have created a Travel website and used images from unsplash, freepik, pinterest. I have researched the image on TinEye - image search engine and the image belongs to a photographer / journalist with images published on CNN and the independent.
I am not sure of what action to take.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best Regards