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Author Topic: Righthaven Asks Court To Speed Up Ruling Against It So It Doesn't Have To Pay Fo  (Read 5392 times)

Robert Krausankas (BuddhaPi)

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The Righthaven situation keeps getting more amusing. Apparently one of the cases is actually scheduled to go to trial next week... but Righthaven doesn't want it to go forward because it can't afford to actually go to trial. However, the company seems perturbed that the defendant has filed a motion to dismiss on the same standing issue that's resulted in multiple dismissals in nearly every Righthaven case since it was discovered that the copyright transfer from newspapers to Righthaven was a sham transfer. So, Righthaven has now asked the court (involving a judge who has already ruled against Righthaven) to speed things up and avoid the trial by ordering Righthaven to show cause over the standing issue. Yes, Righthaven appears to be asking the court to speed up the process of dismissing the case, without it dismissing the case directly itself. The defendant, Kevin Kelleher and his lawyers, note the irony here:

Righthaven appears to be inviting the court to commit what Righthaven would contend is legal error by dismissing this action,’’
Most questions have already been addressed in the forums, get yourself educated before making decisions.

Any advice is strictly that, and anything I may state is based on my opinions, and observations.
Robert Krausankas

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